JM Total Clean

Our Team

Our Dedicated Team

At the heart of our success is an exceptional leadership team, blending vision and dedication to navigate our journey with expertise. Their enthusiasm adds a touch of positivity, making our path to success both effective and enjoyable.

Josh Thoreson

Founding Partner and CEO

Born and raised in Minnesota, Josh honed his window cleaning skills by working alongside his dad on weekends. Upon relocating to Oregon in 2016, Josh began washing windows during evenings and weekends to supplement his income. Presently, he leads company operations with a dedicated focus on business expansion.

Mason Flores

Partner and COO

Raised in southern Oregon, Mason relocated to the Salem area for studies at Western Oregon University. Meeting Josh during graduate school, Mason joined as a partner in 2022 and presently directs field operations for the company.

Bryan O’Connell

Partner and CFO

Eugene native Bryan, now residing in Newberg since 2013, pursued accounting studies at George Fox University. As the CFO, Bryan is responsible for overseeing all financial and tax-related matters.

Interested in working with us?
We'd love to chat! (503) 567-8535